This is precisely what happens when you don't have the buffer of Halloween and Thanksgiving to stop the madness: Christmas in mid-October. It wouldn't surprise me if in five years it was Christmas in July for poor London. Honestly.
We still get the Christmas decorations put out in most store here after Halloween. Some of the larger club-type stores (like Costco) already have all of their Christmas stuff out and most of it gets sold before December!
Christmas in October...Sounds right to me, but I'm a desensitized American. On the other hand, there was a store in Sarajevo putting out pumpkin and scarecrow decorations in July. But I think they were just confused.
What do you mean no Halloween? Growing up in South West England everyone celebrated Halloween, carved pumkins, bobbed for apples and went trick or treating. Then five days later we have Guy Fawkes Day. Now I live in California I miss Guy Fawkes. "Remember, Remember, the 5th of November".
Yes, what are you talking about? Of course we have Haloween, and then Guy Fawkes. "Proper" shops have to wait till after Guy Fawkes for full-on Christmas decs.
I mean, yes of course you have Halloween, but adults don't seem to be into it at all. I haven't heard of a single adult Halloween party in three years. Even went to the KCL SU bar on Halloween night to find it sparsely attended at best.
Ah yes, Bonfire Night is great, the air smells abit like gunpowder that night from all the big fires and fireworks around the place. Also there is Mischief Night, but its being forgotten sadly due to Halloween over shadowing it. :(
We still get the Christmas decorations put out in most store here after Halloween. Some of the larger club-type stores (like Costco) already have all of their Christmas stuff out and most of it gets sold before December!
Posted by
k |
3:15 am, October 24, 2006
btw, by "we" I meant here in the U.S., or at least in CA.
Posted by
k |
3:15 am, October 24, 2006
Did you see any cookies shaped like Hollywood stars in there??? If not, you should. Hi Monica.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:17 pm, October 24, 2006
Between now and Xmas, we have the following exciting days approaching:
29 Oct - National Feed The Birds Day
1 Nov - World Vegan Day
21 Nov - World Television Day
2 Dec - Tree Dressing Day
In lieu of sufficient Halloween and Thanksgiving celebrations you are welcome to celebrate any and all of these with me.
Posted by
Huw |
4:34 pm, October 24, 2006
Christmas in October...Sounds right to me, but I'm a desensitized American. On the other hand, there was a store in Sarajevo putting out pumpkin and scarecrow decorations in July. But I think they were just confused.
Posted by
J. |
8:37 am, October 25, 2006
My Target has already gotten rid of half of the Halloween stock and there are Christmas goods up for sale. This happened last week.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:30 pm, October 25, 2006
Whatever way you look at it, it's still wrong.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:49 am, October 27, 2006
What do you mean no Halloween? Growing up in South West England everyone celebrated Halloween, carved pumkins, bobbed for apples and went trick or treating. Then five days later we have Guy Fawkes Day. Now I live in California I miss Guy Fawkes. "Remember, Remember, the 5th of November".
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:54 am, October 28, 2006
We certainly do have halloween in England. Doesnt stop Xmas decs appearing though!
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:18 am, October 29, 2006
Yes, what are you talking about? Of course we have Haloween, and then Guy Fawkes. "Proper" shops have to wait till after Guy Fawkes for full-on Christmas decs.
Posted by
Monozygote |
11:39 pm, November 07, 2006
I mean, yes of course you have Halloween, but adults don't seem to be into it at all. I haven't heard of a single adult Halloween party in three years. Even went to the KCL SU bar on Halloween night to find it sparsely attended at best.
Posted by
Monica |
11:57 pm, November 07, 2006
Ah yes, Bonfire Night is great, the air smells abit like gunpowder that night from all the big fires and fireworks around the place. Also there is Mischief Night, but its being forgotten sadly due to Halloween over shadowing it. :(
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:47 pm, November 10, 2006