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Thursday, February 09, 2006 


So I had a pretty good time last night! Absolutely no abductions/harm done at all. Aside from getting out of the flat (which I've done now twice since returning January sixth) and meeting new Londoners, it was quite interesting to put faces to blogs and actually see the people I've been unwittingly picturing in my head for a long time. I think we should do it again soon!

Hi Monica, yeah - was great fun, although I have to let you know that I did abduct Huw later on in the night - you were lucky enough to get out...!

Absolute pleasure to meet you!

Help. I am typing this with my nose. Could someone please come round and untie me?

I am ever so thirsty.

Quiet Huw or I'll get the whisk out again.

Next time I swear I won't split so quickly!

Hey, I am have been reading your blog lately because I think it's quite funny. It also gives me some insight to London. I will be living there for about 13 months going to Sotheby's Institute of Art. My friend and I are looking for places to live. Our school is in Central London. Very expensive. Can you suggest any places to look? It's either pay an extreme amount for rent, or live just outside London and pay more for commuting. If you ever get a chance to drop me a line about this, or possibly someone to contact, I would greatly appreciate it. My e-mail address is RGoldsby@Flagler.edu. If you want to look at my My Space account, so you know I am not a complete random, it is
http://www.myspace.com/sothebys0607. Thanks. Rachel

thanks, monica and ollie, for your help. I truly appreciate it.-Rachel

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